Work finally resuming at Nicosia’s Eleftheria Square

According to the contractor company that won the bid for Nicosia’s Eleftheria Square (Freedom Square), construction work is resuming tomorrow. The company’s executives with representatives of the architect visited and inspected the site and are ready to begin work. The company’s representative Mr Sotos Lois was optimistic in his statement saying that the bridge connecting Omirou Street with Ledras / Onasagorou will be completed and available for public use within the next 6 months.

Originally work begun in 2012 and the project was scheduled to finish within 2 years but due to disagreements between the previous contractor Militiades Neophytou and the architect Zaha Hadid the project was stalled. The municipality was forced to dissolve the contract and award the contractor with half a million euro compensation.

Lets hope this time it will go according to plan!